Monday 17 December 2012

Emerging Forms - Review

The emerging forms art exhibition is a colourful collection of art from the first term of work from the year 9 students at Maiden Erlegh school. The various artwork came in many shapes and sizes and created a lively and juicy atmosphere. Each sculpture and painting was produced with the best possible effort, and altogether made the exhibition eye-catching.

My class, that is taught by Miss Gardiner focused on body architecture for the first term and put together a collection of sculptures, all made with white card and paper, that can be placed or worn on the body. The sculptures didn’t have to be practical which allowed more ambitious designs with advanced shapes and sizes. My piece was designed to fit on an arm and I based my design on my research on a mechanical theme. Although it’s not colourful, the body architectures don’t lack in interesting and varied shapes.


Other sculptures from the other year 9 students included animals, such as birds and snakes. These sculptures were made with accuracy and really captured the lifelike features, like the wings and scales.

Some other people used pieces in their construction that already had features of what they wanted to make. This person used the front panel of a radio player to look like the eyes of a dragonfly, which is a very clever technique.


This piece was my personal favourite. The person who made this folded multiple pieces of paper to create and capture the motion of butterfly wings.