Monday 8 October 2012

Recycled Head architecture

This is the plan for my head architecture piece. After all of my research on all my
other posts I have gathered ideas from artists, friends and internet finding.
I have put together some of my favourite shapes, patterns and other ideas and
put them together on this plan.

Avant Garde Section The shape of the head archtitechture in this piece by 
 Felixia Zha inspired me in the plans for my design.
The air vent like structure of this mediaval helmet also
inspired me in my plan because of its link to my theme.

This is my finished piece. To make this I used a box
to fit on the head and then I cut out strips of card,
layed them on top of eachother, pinned the edges and
pulled them out to give the strips a fan like effect 
like on the headpiece from Felixia Zha.

The sculpture was made to explore what can be produced with recycled scraps that relates to our making theme at the same time. It was made by me and is made to fit on my head. I used pieces of cardboard, paper and some plastic pieces in the construction. I used this material becuase it was useful for folding and manipulating into shapes that I planned for my design. Time and weather affects my sculpture because water weakens the paper and time gradually reduces the effect of the tape and glue. The function of the sculpture is to be worn and also to be displayed.